Gender perspectives in research

“Women’s historical contributions are still ignored”

“Women’s history brings forth knowledge concerning one half of humanity, and makes sure that the discipline does not become gender blind,” says professor of history at University of Oslo, Hilde Sandvik.

Cars are still designed for men

With its research on safety for all, Volvo has a clear gender perspective on industrial innovation. So far they are quite alone in this respect.

Controversial documentary used to de-legitimize Norwegian gender research

Rumours that the TV show 'Brainwash' put an end to Norwegian gender research is alive and kicking in anti-feminist circles internationally.

The gender dimension should be broadly integrated in research

The quality of research designed to solve our time’s social challenges is strengthened when the gender dimension is included, writes John-Arne Røttingen, director of The Research Council of Norway.

Intelligent robots may strengthen gender norms

Machines and technology increasingly fill more and more human functions. According to researchers, society’s gender roles affect the development of robots and artificial intelligence, but technology may also shape ideas about gender.

A warning against desirable facts about women in peace and conflict

Oversimplified perceptions of gender roles in war and conflict reproduce gender stereotypes and existing inequalities, according to researcher Maria Eriksson Baaz.

Open the door and let gender in

How can gender perspectives be coaxed into a world of male researchers? The gender group at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) did it by knocking on doors and demanding new ways of thinking.

Norway’s gender expert in Brussels

The world’s largest research programme has its own Advisory Group on Gender. A Norwegian professor is one of 30 experts selected to take part in the group.

“Feminine sound” = poor dance music?

Girls are sent out of the queue because they’re not cool enough. Female DJs don’t get gigs because the music they play is “too feminine”. According to music researcher, discrimination of women is common in the club scene.

Norway not good enough on mainstreaming gender perspectives in research

The Research Council’s Director-General Arvid Hallén was honest in his review of more than two years’ work with mainstreaming of gender perspectives in research. Norway still has a long way to go.

Norwegian editors take over Nordic journal on gender research

The journal NORA was on the verge of becoming history. Unpaid volunteer work with journals gives no official credit in the Norwegian academic system. But Beatrice Halsaa and Anka Ryall reached the conclusion that the journal is essential. Their first issue will be out soon.

Do female professors mean more gender perspectives in research?

Not necessarily, according to researchers. More women than men do research on gender, but all female researchers are not concerned with gender.

Woman in the Hot Seat

Interdisciplinarity – this is a topic that Jorunn Økland could happily talk about for hours. As the new director of the Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo, she has recently had an unusual number of opportunities to do just that.

Better understanding through interdisciplinary alliances

Are gender research and natural science doomed to be on a collision course forever? Absolutely not, according to the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University in Sweden, where they specialize in gender research at the interface between nature and culture.

“Get out into the world!”

madeleine kennedy-macfoy has lived her life moving between England, Belgium, Sierra Leone, the US and Norway. For her, being international is not a choice – it is life itself. It is also a life she would recommend to others.


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