Queer asylum seekers should talk about romantic love

According to new research, queer asylum seekers adjust to the Norwegian model in order to gain credibility by society and the authorities. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) says that they take the applicants’ diverse sexual expressions into consideration.

Boys more affected by gay insults

When words like ‘gay’, ‘fag’, and ‘lesbo’ are used as insults it is mostly among friends. But that does not make them harmless, according to the Norwegian researcher Hilde Slåtten.

Low queer-factor in computer games

Some computer games provide players with gay characters. At the same time, however, the gay characters can always be deselected. Where is the diversity in the gaming world? asks Norwegian game researcher.

After the heat of the battle

Gays and lesbians can now marry or register as partners in all the Nordic countries, with the exception of the Faroe Islands. Yet even within the gay movement there has been a long-standing resistance to marriage for same-sex couples.

Gay and disabled: Invisible and crystal clear

What is it like to have both a disability and a sexual orientation that is not heterosexual? A new study shows that this group encounters prejudice and ignorance in the Norwegian health care system.

Increased acceptance for new family forms

Cohabitation, gay marriage and single parents, "bonus children" and "bonus parents". New modern ways of living together do not indicate that the family is about to disintegrate. The family lives on in the best of health, but in new ways, claim the editors of a new book.

Hidden lesbian lives in façade marriages

Lesbian women in China want to be as normal as possible. This involves being married to a man. If you’re not married in China there’s something wrong with you.

Online computer games force women into the closet

Women conceal their gender in order to avoid harassment in the gaming community and in the outside world.

Hidden stories about sex and gender in the new Norwegian Queer Archive

Norway's new Queer Archive is burgeoning with hidden stories about sex and gender transgressions, just waiting for researchers to dig in and explore.


Dima, Ramona
Ummak, Esra, Salman Türken & Serap Keles
Alm, Erika and Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen (ed.)

News Magazine

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